Members Meeting
Date: Wednesday 12th February 2025
Speaker: Robina Hodgson
Title: A Tudor Lady in Costume. Herbs and More
The meetings are held at Elland Working Mens Club, Rosebery Street, Elland HX5 OHT. (The entrance to the car park is on South Lane, Elland. Meetings start at 7.15 pm.
All welcome. There is a charge of £3.00 for non-members.
Annual Dinner – **Wednesday 5th March 2025**
As we only have one more meeting at the Elland WMC of the GEHS before the Annual Dinner, can anyone wishing to attend please bring their completed menu and payment to the next meeting on Wednesday 12th February.
Payments will be accepted in cash or cheques on the night.
Cheques made payable to The Greater Elland Historical Society.
Membership of the Society for the year is £15.00.
Cheques will be accepted. Please make them payable to The Greater Elland Historical Society.
We would also ask that, if you intend paying by cash, that you bring the exact amount as we will have limited change on the night.
*Also check the News Updates page*
Newsletter – this is now available to view on our Newsletter/50th Anniversary page.
History Room – Elland Library
Our History Room is open Tuesday and Thursday from 1.30 pm until 3.30 pm. Please check our History Room Page for details holiday closures.