12th January

Speaker: Mr Phillip Wilkinson

Topic: A talk on Roman History titled “Tales of Adultery, Power and Military Might”.

9th February

Speaker: Andrew Gilmour

Topic: Elland Now & Then

A Tribute to Brian Hargreaves

9th March

Speaker: Mr David Glover

Topic: The Wittiest Vicar in Halifax

13th April

Speaker: Denise Adlard

Topic: A semi humorous look at OCD

11th May

Speaker: Rob Hamilton

Topic: The Lady Globetrotter

8th June

Speaker: Vincent Dorrington

Topic: Old Lindley

No meetings are held in July or August

14th September

Speaker: Brenda Astin

Topic: The Forget Me Not Trust

12th October


Followed by a talk by Susan Mitchell.

Topic: The Work and Career of Rayner Hardcastle

9th November

Speaker: Vincent Dorrington

Topic: The Birdman of Holywell Green – The Shaw Family.

14th December

Speaker: Andrew Gilmour

Topic: Christmas Traditions


A group of twenty-five members from the Greater Elland Historical Society had wonderful time when they visited Cooper Kitchen & Bar last week. Brett Rhodes and his team have transformed the property and made it into a smart and inviting venue with a strong link to Elland’s past.

The party was served with refreshments in the newly decorated function room and listened to an informative talk by Brett on this project. An original Moorgate Penny Farthing designed and crafted by Cooper Kitchen in the 1880’s hangs from the bar wall. Some of Elland’s most famous landmarks are being drawn along corridor walls, local artefacts and photographs all add style to the building.

We would like to pass on our thanks to everyone at Cooper Kitchen & Bar for their hospitality and wish them well in this new venture.

Special thanks go Rose Allinson from the GEHS who organised this local event and ensured everyone had a splendid time.

Open daily at 12 noon this is well worth a visit

Please click on the gallery tab for more pictures.

News update…


We have been fortunate in obtaining grants from Staying Well and Ward Forum.  The money received has been used to improve our Audio and Visual equipment by purchasing a new screen, speaker system and microphones.  This has been well received by our members and has improved their learning experience.

Both Ward Forum and Staying Well continue to support local people of all ages to become active members of their local community by giving grants to support local voluntary organisations such as ours and is a Calderdale Council initiative.

Royal British Legion

Members of the Society have been invited to attend the Royal British Legion’s monthly meetings.

The meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday in the month at the Elland WMC.


Can anyone help with artefacts for our History Room at Elland Library?

We are looking for items with relevance to the history of Elland, be it Industry, transport, religion, entertainment or local governance, anything that you think is of historical value.

At the moment we are limited by space, so smaller items are of most interest. However, do let us know of anything you have which may be suitable in the future.

The History Room is open for visitors on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons between 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm.

Alternatively, if you would like one of our History Room volunteers to contact you to discuss your items first, then please send us a message via the “Contact Us” page on this website.



We are looking for members who are willing to join the committee and help with the running of the Society.

Can you spare a few hours a month to assist in the running of the society?

If you feel you can assist, then please have a word with a member of the committee at the next meeting or send us an e-mail via the contact us page on this website.


The Greater Elland Historical Society would like to thank Mr David Glanfield for his continued support of the Society.

The articles he puts in the Go Local magazine are not only informative but have introduced our activities to many people. A number of new members have attended our monthly talks or visited the history room this year because they have read his articles and seen the information about GEHS.